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Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University

 Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital was established on June 6, 1959, whose predecessor is Beijing Maternal and Child Health Experimental Hospital directly subordinated to the Central Ministry of Health. The first president is Lin Qiaozhi, an outstanding founder of China's obstetrics and gynecology. In 1994, the hospital was approved by Capital Medical University as an affiliated hospital. In June 2002, the east area of the hospital located at Tuanjiehu, Chaoyang District was established by the Beijing Municipal Government containing Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Beijing Women's Health Institute, Beijing Children's Health Institute, Beijing Research and Guidance Institute of Family Planning Technology. The hospital was renamed Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Maternal, and Child Health Care Hospital. The hospital has been well established as a 3A obstetrics and gynecology hospital that combines medical care, teaching, research, prevention, and health care, focusing on diagnosing and treating common diseases, frequently occurring diseases, and complex diseases in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

  The hospital covers an area of 44,000 square meters, and the floorage is 66,000 square meters. It possesses 660 registered beds, receives an average of 1.2 million outpatients, over 34,000 inpatients, and more than 14,000 deliveries.

  A total of 1,767 individuals work in the hospital; among them are 120 with senior professional titles, 178 with associate professional titles, and 459 intermediate professional titles. Academician Lin Qiaozhi, one of the principal founders and pioneers of Chinese Obstetrics and Gynecology, has been working in the hospital. Other high-level talents include those who have made outstanding contributions and received special allowances from the State Council. In recent five years, the hospital has achieved more than 170 high-level projects, 100 million funds, 20 local and national level research achievement awards, 1470 international publications, 140 SCI papers, and 20 books. The hospital has conducted academic exchanges with over 100 countries, welcomes 12,000 foreign visitors, and sent 460 medical staff to study or investigate abroad, establish good international relationships in different fields and disciplines, and promote the hospital's global popularity.

  The hospital is the School of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Capital Medical University, and the university's Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, including 24 professors, 21 associate professors, 28 doctoral supervisors, and 39 masters' supervisors. The hospital undertakes multi-level teaching tasks for doctor's and master's degree candidates, postdoctoral station, obstetrics and gynecology institution, local and national standard training of residents, continuous medical education, and training in midwifery, cultivating a large number of excellent obstetrics and gynecological professionals for society.

  After 58 years of establishment, the hospital has developed from two clinical departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology to a 3A specialist hospital composed of over 30 medical, technical, and health care departments, including Division of Perinatal Medicine, Department of Gynecology, Gynecology Minimally Invasive Center, Department of Gynecological Oncology, Department of Family Planning, Department of Reproduction, Department of Breast, Department of Endocrinology, Department of TCM, Department of Radiology, Department of Ultrasound, Department of Laboratory, Department of Perinatal Management, Department of Neonatal Screening Management, Department of Women's Care.

  As the municipal institution of Beijing maternal and child health care network, the Beijing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital takes responsibility for women health care, child health care, family planning, technical guidance, and quality control in 16 districts of Beijing, playing essential roles in maternal mortality control, maternal and child safety guarantee, congenital disability prevention, population quality promotion, disease prevention and maternal and child health guarantee. The hospital also undertakes the management and guidance of maternal and child health care technics in Beijing and every district, carrying out maternal and child health education, maternal and child health information monitoring, research in maternal and child health technic and management implementing all public health policies. Besides, numerous projects were completed, including free screening for breast and cervix cancer, free folic acid project, inpatient delivery subsidy in rural women, prevention of maternal to child transmission diseases, free screening for congenital disabilities, and free physical examination in 0~6 year children. Combining clinical medicine and health care, the hospital set departments of orthogenic, genetics, pediatric neuropsychology, congenital disability screening, ophthalmology, adolescent, menopause, and pelvis floor rehabilitation.

  Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital boasts a strong technical force. It is home to WHO maternal and child health research and training cooperation center, first batch of baby-friendly hospital with international standards, national key clinical specialties (Obstetrics, Gynecology), training base for level 4 gynecological endoscopic surgery organized by ministry of health, endoscopic diagnosis and treatment technology training base organized by ministry of health, demonstration center of perinatal nutrition program organized by ministry of health, institution of national drug clinical trials, national clinical pharmacist training base, obstetrics and gynecology clinical skills training and assessment center, Beijing orthogenic research center, Beijing antenatal diagnosis center, Beijing gynecological minimally invasive treatment center, high-risk pregnancy referral and consultation hospital, Beijing obstetrics and gynecology consultation center, Beijing neonatal disease screening center, Beijing early intervention demonstration center for stunted children, Beijing key discipline (Integrated TCM & Western Medicine), Beijing remote consultation center (Ultrasonic imaging).

  The hospital also received a significant number of awards and titles, including the "National Advanced Unit of Health Cultural Development," "National Advanced Unit in New Life Concern Propaganda Education Project," "Civilized Unit in Capital Establishment," "Advanced Unit of National Unity and Progress in Capital," "Beijing Health Promotion Hospital," "Advanced Health Unit of Patriotic in Beijing," "Beijing three-eight Red Flag Unit," "Beijing Peace Hospital."

  Medical Platforms:

  Perinatal Nutrition Demonstration Center of the Ministry of health;

  Beijing Gynecological Minimally Invasive Diagnosis and Treatment Center;

  Beijing Prenatal Diagnosis Center;

  Beijing Neonatal Disease Screening Center;

  Beijing Ultrasonic Diagnostic Remote Consultation Center;

  Designated Hospital for Referral of High-risk Pregnancy in Beijing;

  Beijing Orthogenics Center.

  Research and Education Platforms:

  WHO Maternal and Child Health Care Research and Training Cooperation Center;

  German-Chinese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology;

  Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment Technology Training Base Organized by Ministry of Health;

  Institution of National Drug Clinical Trials;

  National Clinical Pharmacist Training Base;

  Gynecology Endoscopic Physician Training Institute of Chinese Physician Association;

  National County-level Hospital Talent Training Program of Chinese Medical Association-Gynecological Laparoscopic Training Base;

  Midwife Standardized Training Base of Chinese women's and children's Health Association;

  School of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Capital Medical University;

  Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Standard Training Base of Residents;

  Reproductive Endocrinology Medical Center, Beijing International Science, and Technology Cooperation Base.

  北京妇产医院创建于 1959 年 6 月 6 日,其前身是直属中央卫生部的北京妇幼保健实验院,我国杰出的妇产学科奠基人林巧稚为北京妇产医院首任院长。1994 年被首都医科大学批准为附属医院。2002 年 6 月由北京市政府投资兴建的集北京妇产医院、北京市妇女保健所、北京市儿童保健所、北京市计划生育技术研究指导所功能为一体的东院区,在朝阳区团结湖院区落成。医院随之更名为首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院 北京妇幼保健院。目前,医院已发展成为集医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健为一体,以诊治妇产科常见病、多发病和疑难病症为重点的国内知名的三级甲等妇产专科医院。

  医院总占地面积 4.4 万平方米,建筑面积 6.6 万平方米,编制病床 660 张,年门急诊量 120 余万人次,住院病人 3.4 万余人次,分娩量 1.4 万余例。

  医院现有职工 1767 人,其中正高级职称 120 人,副高级职称 178人,中级职称459 人。医院拥有中国妇产科学的主要开拓者、奠基人之一林巧稚院士,以及突出贡献专家、享受国务院政府特殊津贴人员等众多高层次人才。近 5 年获得局级以上科研课题 170 多项、资金 1 亿多元,获得国家、部委、市级科研成果奖 20 多项,在国内外发表论文 1470 多篇、SCI 论文 140 多篇,出版专著 20多部。医院先后与100多个国家进行学术交流,接待来访外宾1.2万余人次,选派医务人员出国学习、考察 460 余人次,多渠道多领域、多学科的开展友好往来,提高医院国际知名度。

  医院作为首都医科大学妇产医学院和妇产科学系所在地,现有教授 24人、副教授 21 人,博士研究生导师 28人、硕士研究生导师 39人,承担首都医科大学妇产科及相关学科博士、硕士研究生培养工作、博士后流动分站工作、妇产科学系工作、国家级及北京市妇产科住院医师规范化培训工作及继续医学教育工作、助产专业培养等多层次教学任务,每年为社会输送大量优秀妇产科人才。

  经过 58 年的建设,医院已从建院当年的产科、妇科两个临床科室,发展为有围产医学部、妇科、妇科微创中心、妇科肿瘤科、计划生育科、生殖医学科、乳腺科、内分泌科、中医科、放射科、超声科、检验科、围产保健管理科、新生儿疾病筛查管理科、妇女保健科等 30 多个医疗、医技、保健科室的三级甲等妇产专科医院。

  北京妇幼保健院作为北京市妇幼三级网络的市级单位,主要承担全市 16 个区县妇女保健、儿童保健和计划生育技术指导及质量控制工作,在控制孕产妇死亡、保障母婴安全,开展出生缺陷三级预防、提高出生人口素质,开展妇女、儿童疾病预防、保障妇女儿童健康方面发挥着重要作用;承担市、区县、基层妇幼保健各项专业技术的管理和指导;开展人群妇幼健康教育、妇幼卫生信息监测、妇幼保健技术与管理研究,以及落实政府各项妇幼公共卫生政策,先后承担了适龄妇女免费“两癌”筛查、待孕妇女免费增补叶酸、农村妇女住院分娩补助、预防母婴传播疾病、新生儿先天性疾病免费筛查、0-6 岁儿童免费健康体检等项目。实行保健与临床相结合,开设优生保健、遗传咨询儿童神经心理发育、新生儿疾病筛查、眼科、青春期、更年期保健、盆底康复等门诊。

  医院技术力量雄厚,先后成为世界卫生组织(WHO)母婴和妇女保健研究及培训合作中心、首批符合国际标准的爱婴医院、国家临床重点专科(产科、妇科)、卫生部四级妇科内镜手术培训基地、卫生部内镜诊疗技术培训基地、卫生部围产营养项目示范中心、国家药物临床试验机构、国家临床药师培训基地、妇产科临床技能培训与考核中心 、北京市优生遗传研究中心、北京市产前诊断中心、北京妇科微创诊治中心、高危孕产妇转诊会诊指定医院、北京妇产科会诊中心、北京新生儿疾病筛查中心、北京市发育迟缓儿童早期干预示范中心、北京市重点学科(中西医结合)、北京市远程会诊中心(超声影像)。











  WHO 母婴和妇女保健研究及培训合作中心

  德 - 中妇产科学会微型宫腔镜培训中心





  中华医学会全国县级医院人才培养计划 - 妇科腹腔镜培训基地





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